Biography of Triple H

Name: Paul Michael Levesque
Ring Name:Terra Ryzing, Jean-Paul Levesque, Hunter Hearst Helmsley (HHH) and Triple H.
Date of Birth: July 27,1969
Born: Nashua New Hampshire
Resides: Greenwich and Connecticut
WWE Debut: May 1995
Height: 6 feet 4 inches
Weight: 255 pounds (115.7kg)
Signature Move: Pedigree
Associates: Shawn Michaels
Trained By: Killer Kowalski
Career Highlights: WWE Champion, World Heavyweight Champion, Intercontinental Champion, World Tag Team Champion, European Champion, King of the Ring (1997) and Royal Rumble winner (2002).
About Triple H: Paul Michael Levesque was born on 27th July 1969 in Nashua New Hampshire. At teenage he started working hard on his body and as a result at age of 19 he was crowned as Teenage Mr. New Hampshire. He made his debut in WWE profession on April 30th 1995. Triple H formed a group in WWE known as Evolution in 2003 .The members of evolution were Batista, Ric Flair and Randy Orton but this group ended in 2004. After that in 2006, he again re–united with Shawn Michael to regenerate his ex – group known as D–Generation X. Triple H also acted in Blade Trinity and his forth coming movie is Journey of Death which will be released in 2009. He is married to RAW General Manager’s Daughter Stephanie McMahon and has two daughters.

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